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At Meadowhead Infant School, Geography provides a means of exploring, appreciating, understanding and developing our knowledge of the world in which we live. We aim to inspire in our children a curiosity about the world and its people. We feel the best way to do this is through first hand experiences where the children can fully become explorers. Pupils will learn to understand their local environment and cultures by visiting significant places in the local area of Blackburn. They will learn to recognise that human and physical features are unique to a place, country or continent and what makes their local area unique through walking around the community. Geography also lies at the heart of all major challenges and opportunities that the human race faces today, be it population, migration, climate change or realising the potential of new energy sources. With this in mind we hope to foster an eco-friendly mind-set at Meadowhead and encourage children to make their school, local area and the wider world around them a safer and better place.


Each unit of learning will begin with an enquiry question which will encourage the children to think critically, weigh up evidence and develop perspective and judgement about different people, places and cultures. This enquiry question will then be asked at the start of each lesson to reinforce prior learning and to help key facts be retained. We also encourage the children to develop their spoken language and communication skills, by introducing new vocabulary and teaching of new words applicable to each Geography lesson. The children will confidently learn to utilise tools, such as atlases, Google Earth and maps to explore and investigate the world around them. Each year group will also be inspired by creative learning opportunities such as our Meadowhead Worldvision contest, Forest School activities, Travelling Tuesday, trips and special visitors.


Through studying Geography at Meadowhead Infant School, we hope to bring about a sense of exploration, of having a desire to discover different areas, cultures and traditions whilst also recognising the beauty and importance of our local area. We strive for the children to become real life explorers with every lesson taught.

Long Term Plans

Knowledge Organisers