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Year 2

Please click the links below to continue your child's education at home while they are self isolating. The class teacher will message you and provide further work from tomorrow onwards through the class dojo app. 


Help your child continue their brilliant phonics learning in this video of a teacher teaching phonics. See if you can join in with the lesson. There are many more phonics videos to choose from after this one.

Your child's teacher will send you the correct link tomorrow for the sound they would be learning in class.


Please remember to listen to your child read their reading book so they practice the phonics they know. 

Once they have done that they can complete the following reading comprehensions


Help your child improve their handwriting by completing the following worksheet.

And they can practice that handwriting by writing sentences and completing the following activities.


To help you child at home you can

Practice counting to 100 - 


Exercise and count in 5s -


Exercise and count in 10s -


Play a shape pattern game -


Play an addition game -


Find a number game -


Play a 2-digit number game -

Improve your odd and even knowledge -

Or you can download and improve your child's fluency by completing the following worksheets. 

When you have completed your learning at home please do not forget to send pictures to your class teacher through Class Dojo.