The teaching of History at Meadowhead Infant School will enable pupils to gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. We feel it is important for our children to acquire a sense of the past, as each child needs to know where they are in relation to their immediate past and what went before this. We intend for our children to have real life experiences and learn about History in an active and creative way. We aim for it to inspire pupils’ curiosity about the past and provide them with the skills and confidence to ask thought provoking questions
Each unit of learning will begin with an enquiry question which will encourage the children to think critically, weigh up evidence and develop perspective and judgement about events. This enquiry question will then be asked at the start of each lesson to reinforce prior learning and to help key facts be retained. We also encourage the children to develop their spoken language and communication skills, by introducing new vocabulary and teaching of new words applicable to each History lesson. The use of artefacts will grab the pupil’s attention and encourage a thirst of learning whilst also bringing the subject to life. Each year group have planned first hand experiences that will enable children to receive an exciting and creative history education. These range from external workshops, special visitors, walks in the local area, Victorian Christmas experience at Turton Tower, History day and productions.
Through studying history at Meadowhead Infant School, we hope to bring about a sense of belonging, of having roots within our community and country, of cultures and traditions which can give each child an invaluable sense of belonging to their past as well as to their present. We strive for the children to become real life historians with every lesson taught.